
22 June, 2020 Design
Jorge Alderete is Dr. Alderete
Argentine by birth and Mexican by adoption. He has been living in Mexico City for [...]

22 June, 2020 Design
Tokyo 2020 Animated Pictograms
A year ago, the 2020 Tokyo pictograms designed by Masaaki Hiromura came to light. Now, [...]

22 June, 2020 Brand design, Design
Logos affected by Coronavirus and quarantine
Confinement and free time locked between four walls not only sparks people's creativity to create [...]

22 June, 2020 Design
Color theory: the commented sheets
The publishing house Gustavo Gili recovers one of the most important scientific treatises on color [...]

22 June, 2020 Design, Photography
Architectural Tetris of Sofia city
Mariyan Atanasov is a Bulgarian photographer and designer, who has created a Tetris from the most [...]